Dokumentasi untuk Stop Sync RAID
ini dulu
mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --fail /dev/sdb2
baru ini
mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --remove /dev/sdb2
mengaktifkan kembali
mdadm -a /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2
Your Hosting Tutorial & shell scripting admin
chkserv configuration
chkservd is a service running on all cPanel®
servers which monitors the state of processes.
● chkserv.d can be controlled using the
– /etc/init.d/chkservd (start|stop|restart)
– /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ (start|stop|restart)
● The chkservd perl script is located at /
You can add and remove services to be monitored
from chkservd by the files in /
● You must also add the service to the chkservd.
conf with the following syntax:
● Each service has a indiviual file inside of /
etc/chkserv.d/ with the following syntax:
COMMANDYou can add and remove services to be monitored
from chkservd by the files in /
● You must also add the service to the chkservd.
conf with the following syntax:
● Each service has a indiviual file inside of /
etc/chkserv.d/ with the following syntax:
servers which monitors the state of processes.
● chkserv.d can be controlled using the
– /etc/init.d/chkservd (start|stop|restart)
– /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ (start|stop|restart)
● The chkservd perl script is located at /
You can add and remove services to be monitored
from chkservd by the files in /
● You must also add the service to the chkservd.
conf with the following syntax:
● Each service has a indiviual file inside of /
etc/chkserv.d/ with the following syntax:
COMMANDYou can add and remove services to be monitored
from chkservd by the files in /
● You must also add the service to the chkservd.
conf with the following syntax:
● Each service has a indiviual file inside of /
etc/chkserv.d/ with the following syntax:
Postgre Cpanel::AdminBin::adminrun(postgres) set error in context postgres
Recently with a cPanel server, we had this issue of not being able to create postgresql database even after the postgresql package is installed and database server is running. Fixing of one issue lead to another there by needing to fix all the errors.
Cpanel::AdminBin::adminrun(postgres) set error in context postgres
[2010-01-16 12:24:18 -0500] warn [postgres::listdbs] Encountered error in postgres::listdbs: Error from postgres wrapper: PostgreSQL has not been configured by the administrator. Unable to locate pgpass file.
This was fixed by doing these,
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => Click on “Install Config”.
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => “Set a Postgresql password also”
No error in cPanel after doing above. However that followed by an issue of created DBs not being appeared in the List DB page of Postgresql databases. Went to shell. Logged in as root . Switched to postgres. “su – postgres” . Ran the command “psql” and then
-bash-3.2$ psql
Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
postgres=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
postgres | postgres | UTF8
template0 | postgres | UTF8
template1 | postgres | UTF8
(3 rows)
postgres=# \q
No DB was created. Checked the logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log and it had entries likeERROR: role “username” does not exist which meant, no roles to create the database.
cd /var/cpanel/users && for x in *; do su -c "createuser -S -D -R $x" postgres; done
Cpanel::AdminBin::adminrun(postgres) set error in context postgres
[2010-01-16 12:24:18 -0500] warn [postgres::listdbs] Encountered error in postgres::listdbs: Error from postgres wrapper: PostgreSQL has not been configured by the administrator. Unable to locate pgpass file.
This was fixed by doing these,
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => Click on “Install Config”.
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => “Set a Postgresql password also”
No error in cPanel after doing above. However that followed by an issue of created DBs not being appeared in the List DB page of Postgresql databases. Went to shell. Logged in as root . Switched to postgres. “su – postgres” . Ran the command “psql” and then
-bash-3.2$ psql
Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
postgres=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
postgres | postgres | UTF8
template0 | postgres | UTF8
template1 | postgres | UTF8
(3 rows)
postgres=# \q
No DB was created. Checked the logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log and it had entries likeERROR: role “username” does not exist which meant, no roles to create the database.
cd /var/cpanel/users && for x in *; do su -c "createuser -S -D -R $x" postgres; done
Linux Disk utilities
fdisk /dev/hda
(= "fixed disk". As root.) Linux hard drive partitioning utility (DOS has a utility with the same name). In the example above, I specified that I would like to partition the first harddrive on the first IDE interface, hence "hda". If I were you, i would backup any important data before using fdisk on any partition. I do not not know anybody who likes fdisk (either Linux or DOS edition)--I prefer easier to use cfdisk, see next command.
cfdisk /dev/hda
(as root) Hard drive partitioning utility, menu-based. Easier to use then the plain-vanilla fdisk (see the previous command). Physical drives can contain primary partitions (max 4 per disk), and logical partitions (no restriction on number). A primary partition can be bootable. Logical partitions must be contained within "extended partitions"; extended partitions are not usable by themselves, they are just a container for logical partitions. When partitioning a disk, I typically: (1) create a primary partition (2) make the primary partition bootable (3) create an extended partition, (4) create logical partition(s) within the extended partition.
Mengganti Halaman administrator Joomla
- Pertama kali, Jika menggunakan Joomla 1.0 silakan download file JSecure Authentication atau jika menggunakan Joomla 1.5.x silakan download file plgSystemJSecure-1.0.9 .
- Masuklah ke halaman login administrator
- JIka menggunakan Joomla 1.0.x, pilih menu Module > Installer.
Script untuk melihat load pada server
#script gabungan hafidz
echo "Mw tampilan brp baris -script Hafidz ver 0.1-";
#read input
echo "Mw tampilan brp baris -script Hafidz ver 0.1-";
#read input
Mendeteksi serangan hacker ke web anda
Mungkin bagi para administrator yang mempunyai web atau pun blog, jarang yg memperhatikan masalah keamanan. Dimana kebanyakan para web admin berpikir bahwa situs yang mereka kelola itu telah aman 100%, dan di rasa tidak akan ada gangguan dari orang-orang iseng. Tapi jika suatu ketika sang admin situs melihat di browsernya bahwa pada halaman depan situs yang mereka telah berubah tampilan dengan adanya salam khas dari para peretas (cracker / defacer), mereka selalu di hadapkan ke pada penyesalan, marah, dan lain2.
Memang penyesalan selalu datang di akhir brotha…..
Bagaimanakah kita mengantisipasi hal semacam itu…..?
Pada artikel kali ini saya akan coba membuat trik , bagaimana mengidentifikasi serangan sedini mungkin agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan pada situs yang kita kelola.
Memang penyesalan selalu datang di akhir brotha…..
Bagaimanakah kita mengantisipasi hal semacam itu…..?
Pada artikel kali ini saya akan coba membuat trik , bagaimana mengidentifikasi serangan sedini mungkin agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan pada situs yang kita kelola.
Cara Membuat Partisi Baru di Centos 5.x dengan menggunakan fdisk
maklum pemula dalam linux mo menuangkan sedikit informasi untuk partisi yang mungkin semua master sudah tau, tapi sebagai catatan karena memang sulit menemukan tulisan linux berbasis bahasa indonesia, yach tak bikinin aja untuk mempermudah.. walaupun udah banyak kali y :))
saat penginstalan linux anda sengaja tidak memakai seluruh space anda untuk membuat partisi baru
misalkan di /dev/sda anda, lalu cara untuk membuat partisi barunya adalah :
1. fdisk /dev/sda enter
2. n -> pilihan ini untuk menentukan jumlah kapasitas yang ingin di assign
3. +5000M -> saya assign 5000M atau 5GB
4. t -> pilihan ini untuk menentukan file system dari partisi
5. 1 -> tak pilih primary
6. 83 -> file system linux di tandai dengan angka 83
7. w -> write disk , maka proses akan berjalan untuk mempartisi langkah2 yang tadi kita lakukan,
setelah itu restartlah linux anda dengan menggunakan shutdown -r now, lalu partisi akan tercreate bgitu anda login kembali ke linux anda...
jangan lupa koment yoo.... nulisnya lumayan cape
Pemindahan akun mail ke server lain via ssh
pemindahan biasa kalau menggunakan cpanel tinggal klik maka dengan mudah dapat tercreate, tapi bagaimana jika kita ingin memindahkan file apa aja sich yang harus kita pindahkan ini yang buat kita bingung bukan hehehe..
berikut adalah file2 penting yang akan kita pindahkan :
- /home/user/mail/ -> file ini harus di copykan karena di dalam file ini terdapat data-data dari email klient
- /home/user/etc/ -> file ini berisikan password dari masing-masing email klient anda
- /home/user/cpanel/email.yaml -> file ini berisi email-email user yang tercatat di cpanel
tiga direktori di atas sangat lah penting dalam pemindahan email secara manual , semoga bermanfaat, jangan baca doank komen, cape nulisnya
error pty cannot allocation pty
error di atas anda temui ketika anda login ke vps anda, apakah yang terjadi, biasa nya hal tersebut terjadi karena ssh tidak dapat menemukan pty , anda bisa men set nya di :
1. nano /etc/rc.sysint
2. masukan " /sbin/udev "
3. restart dech vps anda
lalu hasinya wah bisa masuk lagi ke ssh waow
8 Tips Mengamankan MySQL di Server Unix Multiuser
Sebagian besar dari kita, apalagi para programer dan sysadmin Web Unix, pasti sudah cukup familiar dengan software ini. MySQL—yang pernah dibahas di edisi 4 mwmag—merupakan server RDBMS open source terpopuler, terutama untuk aplikasi Web. Artikel kali ini akan membahas isu-isu keamanan seputar menjalankan daemon MySQL di lingkungan multiuser, seperti di server shared hosting. Dalam lingkungan multiuser ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, terutama yang berkaitan dengan isolasi user yang satu dengan user lain. Meskipun ada pula sebagian poin-poin yang diterangkan—seperti pengaturan permission MySQL—yang dapat diterapkan untuk Windows, namun jelas fokus artikel ini adalah pada lingkungan Unix/Linux.
Tip 1: Pasang mysqld Di Mesin Terpisah
Kita langsung mulai saja dengan tip yang pertama. Jika Anda punya budget cukup, pasanglah daemon MySQL (mysqld) di mesin terpisah. Cara ini adalah termasuk yang paling aman, karena mesin terpisah ini dapat kita taruh di belakang firewall sehingga tidak menerima koneksi dari Internet melainkan dari mesin-mesin tertentu saja di jaringan lokal. Juga, tiap user yang menggunakan database tidak perlu kita beri akses shell. Semua port dapat kita tutup kecuali port default mysqld saja (3306) yang kita buka. Tidak ada yang bisa menyentuh langsung file-file database maupun log kecuali user mysql di mesin database tersebut, dan juga admin mesin tersebut.
Tapi tentu tidak semua orang bisa membeli mesin dedicated. Jadi…
Tip 2: Jalankan mysqld Terpisah Di Mesin Yang Sama
Meskipun MySQL merupakan database multiuser, tapi daemon mysqld hanya berjalan sebagai satu user Unix saja (defaultnya adalah mysql). Tidak ada wrapping seperti halnya pada Apache + suexec/cgiwrap. User Unix ini memiliki akses ke semua database di direktori data (defaultnya adalah /var/lib/mysql). Tentu saja MySQL memiliki sistem access privilege yang cukup mendetil untuk mengatur klien mana yang dapat mengakses tabel atau database mana. Namun bug pada kode mysqld atau miskonfigurasi sistem privilegenya bisa saja mengakibatkan sebuah database berisi data rahasia terbuka bagi user MySQL lain. Misalnya lewat LOAD DATA INFILE atau LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE maupun lewat SELECT INTO OUTFILE, yang memungkinkan penyerang berpotensi menimpa file database milik user lain.
Jika Anda mempunyai sebuah database yang datanya sensitif atau harus benar-benar private, Anda bisa dapat menjalankan mysqld terpisah. Tiap mysqld berjalan sebagai user Unix yang berbeda, sehingga satu mysqld tidak dapat mengganggu mysqld yang lainnya. Bug pada mysqld yang satu tidak dapat mengganggu mysqld lainnya, karena masing-masing tidak bisa menyentuh direktori data daemon lain.
Contoh berikut adalah user hafidz yang menjalankan sendiri daemon MySQL pribadi, berjalan sebagai user hafidz dan port 3366. Daemon MySQL utama, sebagai user mysql, tidak dapat menyentuh database.
$ mkdir /home/hafidz/mysql $ mysql_install_db --datadir=/home/hafidz/mysql $ /usr/sbin/mysqld --datadir=/home/hafidz/mysql --port=3366 \ --socket=/home/hafidz/mysql/mysql.sock &
Anda dapat mengganti port 3366 dengan port kesukaan sendiri. Sebelum memakai, Anda perlu memberi password pada user MySQL root tentunya:
$ mysqladmin -u root -S /home/hafidz/mysql/mysql.sock password RAHASIA
Ganti RAHASIA dengan password sebenarnya. Selanjutnya nanti sewaktu melakukan koneksi ke mysqld ini dengan command line client mysql misalnya, Anda perlu menyebutkan opsi -h (host) dan -P (port) atau -S (socket). Misalnya, koneksi via soket Unix:
$ mysql -u root -S /home/hafidz/mysql/mysql.sock
Atau koneksi via TCP:
$ mysql -u root -h -P 3366
Tapi, lagi-lagi, jika jumlah user banyak dan masing-masing ingin menjalankan mysqld-nya masing-masing, tentu saja overheadnya besar. Karena itu…
Tip 3: Kenali Sistem Access Privilege MySQL
Sebagai seorang admin database, mau tidak mau hal yang satu ini harus dikuasai baik-baik. Sistem Access Privilege adalah cara utama MySQL dalam membatasi user dan host mana saja yang bisa melakukan koneksi, menyimpan password masing-masing user, dan membatasi kemampuan user dalam memanipulasi database (apakah hanya bisa melakukan SELECT saja, atau SELECT dan UPDATE, dst). Apa artinya daemon MySQL yang terisolasi dari mesin maupun daemon lain apabila ia dengan cerobohnya menerima koneksi dari sembarang user dan host?
Sistem privilege MySQL cukup mendetil dan menurut saya lebih simpel tapi mendetil daripada sistem privilege PostgreSQL, meskipun dari segi otentikasi sistem PostgreSQL sebetulnya lebih fleksibel. Pada dasarnya seluruh informasi pengaturan privilege disimpan dalam sebuah database khusus bernama mysql. Penjelasan mendetil mengenai di luar cakupan artikel ini, tapi sebagai tip beberapa hal berikut ini sebaiknya diikuti. Pertama, sebaiknya tiap user diberi password. Kedua, tabel user di database mysql ini sangat sensitif karena berisi password, jadi jangan biarkan user manapun memiliki privilege SELECT terhadap. Ketiga, batasi privilege FILE maupun PROCESS, jangan berikan kecuali benar-benar perlu. Keempat, jangan biarkan satu user database melihat database lain kecuali benar-benar perlu.
Dalam server shared hosting yang saya kelola, demi kesederhanaan, tiap user database hanya boleh mengakses satu database, dan daftar privilegenya seperti ini: Entri di tabel user: ('localhost', 'USER', password('PASSWORD'), 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N'). Entri di tabel db: ('localhost', 'DATABASE', 'USER', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y'). Artinya, si user USER hanya dapat melihat database DATABASE, hanya bisa melakukan koneksi dari mesin lokal melalui soket Unix, dan tidak memiliki privilege GRANT. Privilege FILE diberikan, tapi berhubung tiap skrip CGI diwrap, maka setidaknya akan lebih sulit bagi seorang penyerang untuk menciptakan file sebagai user Unix lain.
Tip 4: Hanya Terima Koneksi Lokal
Dalam sebuah server shared hosting misalnya, umumnya database diakses dari skrip CGI/PHP/ASP di server yang sama. Jika kita ingin agar hanya user atau skrip dari mesin lokal saja yang dapat melakukan koneksi ke daemon MySQL maka kita dapat mematikan opsi listening di soket TCP. Seperti kita ketahui, MySQL mendengarkan koneksi di soket Unix (defaultnya di /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) dan di port TCP (defaultnya di port 3306). Soket Unix hanya untuk klien lokal, sementara soket TCP dapat digunakan untuk koneksi jaringan.
Untuk membuat mysqld tidak mendengarkan di soket TCP sama sekali, taruh baris berikut di /etc/my.cnf:
[mysqld] skip-networking
lalu restart mysqld. Atau tambahkan --skip-networking saat menjalankan mysqld.
Setelah memakai opsi ini, bahkan koneksi ke pun akan ditolak dengan pesan Connection Refused. Karena memang tidak ada soket TCP yang mendengarkan. Jadi untuk melakukan koneksi ke daemon MySQL kita harus menggunakan host localhost agar soket Unixlah yang dipakai sebagai metode koneksi.
Keuntungan menggunakan soket Unix, selain sedikit lebih cepat (karena tidak ada overhead protokol TCP/IP), isolasi filesystem pun berlaku sebagai lapisan pelindung. Database milik user hafidz di contoh Tip 2 tadi misalnya, tidak dapat dicapai sama sekali baik oleh klien di mesin lain maupun oleh user Unix lain di mesin yang sama, karena defaultnya lokasi soket Unix di /home/hafidz/mysql/mysql.sock ini tertutup dari user lain. Sehingga database ini bersifat pribadi dan hanya bisa diakses oleh user hafidz
sendiri maupun oleh skrip CGI/PHP yang berjalan sebagai user hafidz. Daemon MySQL utama, di lain pihak, merupakan daemon yang terbuka bagi semua user, karena /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock secara default dapat diakses oleh semua user.
sendiri maupun oleh skrip CGI/PHP yang berjalan sebagai user hafidz. Daemon MySQL utama, di lain pihak, merupakan daemon yang terbuka bagi semua user, karena /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock secara default dapat diakses oleh semua user.
Tentu saja, kadang-kadang database MySQL ingin diakses selain dari localhost (misalnya, ingin diakses dari klien GUI di komputer Windows). Dalam kasus ini, mau tidak mau kita harus membuka lagi soket TCP dan kembali mengandalkan sistem privilege MySQL dalam membatasi host.
Tip 5: Buang Database test
Dalam lingkungan multiuser, tiap user semestinya diberi database masing-masing dan database default yang diberikan oleh distribusi MySQL, yaitu test, biasanya tidak ada gunanya. Ada baiknya database ini dihapus saja sehingga tidak sembarang user yang bisa mengakses database ini dan lalu memenuhi disk atau melakukan serangan DOS misalnya. Sebab defaultnya adalah semua user database bisa melihat database test. Untuk menghapus database test, berikan perintah ini dari klien command line mysql:
mysql> DELETE FROM db WHERE db='test' OR db='test_%'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Tip 6: chroot
Chroot adalah fasilitas yang disediakan di banyak sistem operasi Unix untuk membuat filesystem root “virtual” bagi program, misalnya di bawah /home/hafidz/root, sehingga program menganggap path tersebut adalah / dan tidak bisa melihat path di atasnya (/home/hafidz maupun /home maupun / asli). Chroot banyak bermanfaat untuk memenjarakan program sehingga tidak bisa menyentuh file-file di luar direktori yang sudah kita tetapkan sebagai penjaranya.
Tip ini cukup berhubungan dengan tip 2 (tiap user memperoleh mysqld masing-masing). Di lingkungan virtual server pun chroot sering dilakukan terhadap tiap-tiap daemon agar masing-masing tidak dapat melihat file milik daemon lain.
Chroot saat ini harus dilakukan sebagai root karena merupakan operasi privileged. Menyambung contoh di tip 2, berikut ini cara menjalankan mysqld milik user hafidz dan memenjarakannya di /home/hafidz/mysql. mysqld memiliki opsi --chroot sehingga kita tidak perlu mengkopi /usr/sbin/mysqld-nya itu sendiri, namun terakhir saya coba masih bermasalah, sehingga kita akan melakukan chroot menggunakan /usr/sbin/chroot. Contoh ini untuk RedHat Linux (saya memakai versi 7.2) dan distribusi RPM binary dari MySQL AB (saya memakai 3.23.51).
$ chdir /home/hafidz $ mkdir -p fakeroot/{var/lib,etc,tmp,lib,usr/sbin,usr/share} $ mv mysql fakeroot/var/lib/ # direktori data yg sudah dibuat di tip 2 $ echo -e "root:*:0:0:::\nnobody:*:99:99:::\nhafidz:*:500:500:::" \ > fakeroot/etc/passwd $ echo -e "root::0:\nhafidz::500:" > fakeroot/etc/group $ cp -a /lib/{ld-*,*,libc-*.so,libnsl*,libnss_files*,libtermcap*} \ fakeroot/lib/ $ cp -a /usr/sbin/mysqld fakeroot/usr/sbin/ $ cp -a /usr/share/mysql fakeroot/usr/share/ # /usr/sbin/chroot /home/hafidz/fakeroot /usr/sbin/mysqld \ --user=hafidz \ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql \ --port=3366 \ --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Untuk instalasi seperti di atas, dibutuhkan overhead ruang disk sebesar sekitar 12MB untuk mengkopi library Linux dan file-file lain yang diperlukan ke bawah /home/hafidz/fakeroot (karena jika tidak, setelah dilakukan chroot maka mysqld tidak akan dapat mencari library yang dibutuhkan). Kita juga memerlukan /etc/passwd dan /etc/group “dummy”. Ganti UID dan GID 500 sesuai UID dan GID user yang akan menjalankan mysqld. Setelah semua file-file siap, kita memanggil mysqld. Perhatikan bahwa opsi-opsi path di --datadir dan --socket adalah relatif terhadap fakeroot. Program-program yang berada di bawah chroot yang sama akan melihat soket dan direktori data MySQL milik hafidz ini di /var/lib/mysql, tapi sebetulnya—seperti yang akan dilihat program-program lain yang berada di luar chroot—lokasi asli ada di /home/hafidz/fakeroot/var/lib/mysql.
Chroot berguna terutama jika Anda tidak mempercayai MySQL versi development atau beta (mis: versi 4.0.2 saat ini). Chroot juga bermanfaat dalam menutup kemungkinan perintah SQL LOAD DATA INFILE dan SELECT INTO OUTFILE mengintip dan merusak file-file yang tidak diinginkan. Chroot juga perlu Anda pertimbangkan bila sebuah server memuat beberapa user yang benar-benar tidak saling mempercayai satu sama lain. Dalam kenyataan sehari-hari, saya jarang menggunakan chroot.
Tip 7: Jangan Hidupkan LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE adalah fasilitas agar klien bisa membaca sebuah file dari filesystem dan memasukkannya ke tabel database. Sejak 3.23.49, LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE sudah dimatikan secara default. Jika ada skrip CGI atau ASP di mesin shared hosting Anda yang tidak diwrap, maka ada potensi perintah SQL tersebut dipakai untuk membaca file-file sebagai user nobody misalnya (dan mengambil source code skrip-skrip milik user lain lewat memuatnya ke tabel database lalu nanti ke file melalui SELECT INTO OUTFILE atau lewat skrip yang melakukan SELECT dan mencetaknya ke file). Jika Anda cukup yakin bahwa semua skrip terwrap, maka barulah Anda bisa mengaktifkan perintah SQL ini dengan memberikan opsi:
[mysql] local-infile
di /etc/my.cnf. Skrip pun harus memberikan perintah mysql_options() dulu—saat ini belum didukung oleh PHP—sebelum bisa memberikan perintah SQL LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
Tip 8: Koneksi SSL
Tip ini berkaitan dengan tip nomor 4. Jika koneksi MySQL Anda hanya lokal via soket Unix, Anda cukup aman di poin ini. Tapi jika daemon MySQL Anda harus menerima klien (atau melakukan replikasi) via koneksi TCP dari Internet, maka ada potensi pencurian data melalui sniffing paket. Password dan data-data sensitif bisa melayang dari hop ke hop dan siap disadap. Ada baiknya Anda mempertimbangkan mensetup SSL untuk koneksi MySQL.
MySQL baru mendukung koneksi SSL natif mulai 4.0. Karena itu, kita bisa menggunakan stunnel untuk mengenkripsi saluran komunikasi. Prinsip stunnel adalah, di sisi klien dan server kita memasang gerbang stunnel masuk agar terbentuk “terowongan”. Masing-masing klien dan server asli berkomunikasi secara lokal (via localhost) dengan stunnel. Sementara barulah stunnel di kedua sisi saling melakukan pembicaraan SSL. Berikut sebuah contoh. Di sisi klien (mis, beralamat di
# /usr/sbin/stunnel -P/tmp/ -c -d 3306 -r
Di sisi server (yang beralamat mis di
# cd /usr/share/ssl/certs # openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out stunnel.pem \ -keyout stunnel.pem # /usr/sbin/stunnel -P/tmp/ -p stunnel.pem -d 3307 -r localhost:3306
Lalu dari lakukan koneksi MySQL ke server seperti biasa.
Pesan terakhir, jangan lupa membaca kembali manual MySQL bagian General Security Issues and the MySQL Access Privilege System agar—mengutip kata-kata di manual tersebut—Anda “terhindar dari kesalahan-kesalahan security yang paling umum.” (sh)
Installing Munin On CPanel
I had the same issue. Here is what I did to get it working:
Before starting uninstall Munin via WHM.
1) Forced cpanel update of perl to 5.8.7:
2) then forced RRD tool update:
3) Install Munin via WHM.
That got it installed and working. Only took about 5 hours to figure it out.
Before starting uninstall Munin via WHM.
1) Forced cpanel update of perl to 5.8.7:
To check what is the perl version on your system, use:
perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for i686-linux
As you can see here, I am running the latest perl version available on CPanel so in this case an upgrade would not be necessary.
If you need to upgrade your perl installation, here is the proper way to do it, in order to not break your CPanel:
tar xfz perl587installer.tar.gz
cd perl587installer
After this is done, run:
You can also run the following to ensure that all the necessary modules were reinstalled:
Once you have completed the upgrade, you can check again the perl version (perl -v) to ensure that this was properly installed.
perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for i686-linux
As you can see here, I am running the latest perl version available on CPanel so in this case an upgrade would not be necessary.
If you need to upgrade your perl installation, here is the proper way to do it, in order to not break your CPanel:
tar xfz perl587installer.tar.gz
cd perl587installer
After this is done, run:
You can also run the following to ensure that all the necessary modules were reinstalled:
Once you have completed the upgrade, you can check again the perl version (perl -v) to ensure that this was properly installed.
2) then forced RRD tool update:
mv /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/rrdtool /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/rrdtool.bak
That got it installed and working. Only took about 5 hours to figure it out.
Menginstall Perl yang rusak di CPanel
masuk SSH anda lalu 1. wget 2. tar zxvf perl588installer.tar.gz 3. cd perl588installer
4. ./install 5. /scripts/rrdtoolinstall ( untuk penginstalan rrdtools jika perlu)
Mendisable Modsec Di cpanel perdomain
Wah situs saya tidak bisa dibuka ktika saya tambahkan link di facebook saya,
1. nano /var/cpanel/templates/apache2/vhost.default ( saya disini pakai nano karena lebih mudah )
tambahkan di baris paling akhir setelah [% END -%], langsung pada file template CPanel untuk vhost
| [% IF vhost.servername == '' -%] SecRuleEngine Off [% END -%] |
2. Lalu rebuild file httpd.conf pakai script-nya CPanel :
| /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf |
3. Restart httpd :
| /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Alhasil minta klient anda mengcheck kembali untuk domainnya yang di links dari facebook |
How To replace my text easily
now we can replace our text easily like this
1. #nano test.txt
2. insert apa apa apa apa apa
3. save it
4. replace apa brekele -- test.txt
5. and if we call it , #more test.txt
the view is brekele brekele brekele brekele brekele
please comment
Cpanel Log
install cpanel log
Description : These log files contain cPanel installation logs & should be referenced first for any issues resulting from new cPanel installations..
Cpanel/WHM Service Status Logs:
Description :The service monitoring demon (chkservd) logs all service checks here. Failed service are represented with a [-] and active services are represented by [+].
Cpanel/WHM Accounting Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/accounting.log
Description : Contains a list of accounting functions performed through WHM, including account removal and creation..
cPanel/WHM Specific Requests and Errors:
cPanel error logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
Description : cPanel logs any error it incurs here. This should be checked when you encounter errors or
strange behavior in cPanel/WHM...
cPanel License Error Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/license_log
Description : All license update attempts are logged here. If you run into any errors related to license when logging in, check here.
Stats Daemon Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log
Description : The stats daemon (cpanellogd) logs the output from all stats generators (Awstats, Webalizer, Analog) here.
Client Information, Requested URL Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log
Description : General information related to access cPanel requests is logged here.
cPanel/WHM Update Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/updatelogs/update-[TIMESTAMP].log
Description : Contains all output from each cPanel update [upcp]. It's named with the timestamp at which the upcp process was initiated..
Bandwidth Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/bandwidth
Description : Files contain a list of the bandwidth history for each account. Each named after their respective user.
Tailwatchd [New]:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/tailwatchd_log
Description : Logs for daemon configuired under tailwatchd ie. cPBandwd, Eximstats, Antirelayd.
Apache Logs:
General Error and Auditing Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
Description : All exceptions caught by httpd along with standard error output from CGI applications are logged here..
The first place you should look when httpd crashes or you incur errors when accessing website.
Apache SuExec Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log
Description : Auditing information reported by suexec each time a CGI application is executed. Useful for debugging internal server errors, with no relevant information being reported to the Apache error_log, check here for potential suexec policy violations...
Domain Access Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
Description : General access log file for each domain configured with cPanel.
Apache Access Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/access_log
Description : Complete web server access log records all requests processed by the server.
Exim :
Message Reception and Delivery:
Location : /var/log/exim_mainlog or /var/log/exim/mainlog
Description : Receives an entry every time a message is received or delivered.
Exim ACLs/Policies based RejectLog :
Location : /var/log/exim_rejectlog
Description : An entry is written to this log every time a message is rejected based on either ACLs or other policies eg: aliases configured to :fail
Unexpected or Fatal Errors:
Location : /var/log/exim_paniclog
Description : Logs any entries exim doesn’t know how to handle. It's generally a really bad thing when log entries are being written here, and they should be properly investigated..
IMAP/POP/SpamAssassin General Logging and Errors:
Location : /var/log/maillog & /var/log/messages
Description : The IMAP, POP, and SpamAssassin services all log here. This includes all general logging information (login attempts, transactions, spam scoring), along with fatal errors.
FTP Logins and General Errors:
Location : /var/log/messages
Description : General information and login attempts are logged here..
FTP Transactions logging:
Location : /var/log/xferlog or /var/log/messages
Description : Is a symbolic link in most cases to /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog, which contains a history of the transactions made by FTP users...
MySQL General Information and Errors :
Location : /var/lib/mysql/$(hostname).err
Description : This path could vary, but is generally located in /var/lib/mysql. Could also be located at /var/log/mysqld.log
Authentication attempts:
Location : /var/log/secure
Description : Logs all daemons which requires PAM Authentication.
Tracking all Bad Logins and Logouts:
Location : /var/log/btmp
Description : Log of all attempted bad logins to the system. Accessed via the lastb command..
Tracking all Logins and Logouts:
Location : /var/log/wtmp
Description : The wtmp file records all logins and logouts.
Last Logins:
Location : /var/log/lastlog
Description : Database times of previous user logins. The lastlog file is a database which contains info on the last login of each user.
WebDav or WebDisk Log :
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log
Description : The cpdavd daemon is "WebDav" (better known as "WebDisk") which was introduced in cPanel 11 to allow users to mount their home directory on their personal computer, always having access to the files and content...
Cphulkd Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd_errors.log
Description : cPHulk Brute Force Protection prevents malicious forces from trying to access your server's services by guessing the login password for that service....
It blacklists IPs that it thinks are trying to run a brute force attack.
Failure Logging:
Location : /var/log/faillog
Description : Faillog formats the contents of the failure log from /var/log/faillog database. It also can be used for maintains failure counters and limits. Run faillog without arguments display only list of user faillog records who have ever had a login failure.
Startup/Boot, Kernel & Hardware error messages :
Location : /var/log/dmesg
Description : dmesg is a "window" into the kernels ring-buffer. It's a message buffer of the kernel. The content of this file is referred to by the dmesg command. It shows bootlog and the hardware errors..
General Startup, Shutdown & Error Logs:
Location : /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.err and /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
Description : Logs for Tomcat and all tomcat based applications...
Description : These log files contain cPanel installation logs & should be referenced first for any issues resulting from new cPanel installations..
Cpanel/WHM Service Status Logs:
Description :The service monitoring demon (chkservd) logs all service checks here. Failed service are represented with a [-] and active services are represented by [+].
Cpanel/WHM Accounting Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/accounting.log
Description : Contains a list of accounting functions performed through WHM, including account removal and creation..
cPanel/WHM Specific Requests and Errors:
cPanel error logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
Description : cPanel logs any error it incurs here. This should be checked when you encounter errors or
strange behavior in cPanel/WHM...
cPanel License Error Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/license_log
Description : All license update attempts are logged here. If you run into any errors related to license when logging in, check here.
Stats Daemon Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log
Description : The stats daemon (cpanellogd) logs the output from all stats generators (Awstats, Webalizer, Analog) here.
Client Information, Requested URL Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log
Description : General information related to access cPanel requests is logged here.
cPanel/WHM Update Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/updatelogs/update-[TIMESTAMP].log
Description : Contains all output from each cPanel update [upcp]. It's named with the timestamp at which the upcp process was initiated..
Bandwidth Logs:
Location : /var/cpanel/bandwidth
Description : Files contain a list of the bandwidth history for each account. Each named after their respective user.
Tailwatchd [New]:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/tailwatchd_log
Description : Logs for daemon configuired under tailwatchd ie. cPBandwd, Eximstats, Antirelayd.
Apache Logs:
General Error and Auditing Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
Description : All exceptions caught by httpd along with standard error output from CGI applications are logged here..
The first place you should look when httpd crashes or you incur errors when accessing website.
Apache SuExec Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log
Description : Auditing information reported by suexec each time a CGI application is executed. Useful for debugging internal server errors, with no relevant information being reported to the Apache error_log, check here for potential suexec policy violations...
Domain Access Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
Description : General access log file for each domain configured with cPanel.
Apache Access Logs:
Location : /usr/local/apache/logs/access_log
Description : Complete web server access log records all requests processed by the server.
Exim :
Message Reception and Delivery:
Location : /var/log/exim_mainlog or /var/log/exim/mainlog
Description : Receives an entry every time a message is received or delivered.
Exim ACLs/Policies based RejectLog :
Location : /var/log/exim_rejectlog
Description : An entry is written to this log every time a message is rejected based on either ACLs or other policies eg: aliases configured to :fail
Unexpected or Fatal Errors:
Location : /var/log/exim_paniclog
Description : Logs any entries exim doesn’t know how to handle. It's generally a really bad thing when log entries are being written here, and they should be properly investigated..
IMAP/POP/SpamAssassin General Logging and Errors:
Location : /var/log/maillog & /var/log/messages
Description : The IMAP, POP, and SpamAssassin services all log here. This includes all general logging information (login attempts, transactions, spam scoring), along with fatal errors.
FTP Logins and General Errors:
Location : /var/log/messages
Description : General information and login attempts are logged here..
FTP Transactions logging:
Location : /var/log/xferlog or /var/log/messages
Description : Is a symbolic link in most cases to /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog, which contains a history of the transactions made by FTP users...
MySQL General Information and Errors :
Location : /var/lib/mysql/$(hostname).err
Description : This path could vary, but is generally located in /var/lib/mysql. Could also be located at /var/log/mysqld.log
Authentication attempts:
Location : /var/log/secure
Description : Logs all daemons which requires PAM Authentication.
Tracking all Bad Logins and Logouts:
Location : /var/log/btmp
Description : Log of all attempted bad logins to the system. Accessed via the lastb command..
Tracking all Logins and Logouts:
Location : /var/log/wtmp
Description : The wtmp file records all logins and logouts.
Last Logins:
Location : /var/log/lastlog
Description : Database times of previous user logins. The lastlog file is a database which contains info on the last login of each user.
WebDav or WebDisk Log :
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log
Description : The cpdavd daemon is "WebDav" (better known as "WebDisk") which was introduced in cPanel 11 to allow users to mount their home directory on their personal computer, always having access to the files and content...
Cphulkd Logs:
Location : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd_errors.log
Description : cPHulk Brute Force Protection prevents malicious forces from trying to access your server's services by guessing the login password for that service....
It blacklists IPs that it thinks are trying to run a brute force attack.
Failure Logging:
Location : /var/log/faillog
Description : Faillog formats the contents of the failure log from /var/log/faillog database. It also can be used for maintains failure counters and limits. Run faillog without arguments display only list of user faillog records who have ever had a login failure.
Startup/Boot, Kernel & Hardware error messages :
Location : /var/log/dmesg
Description : dmesg is a "window" into the kernels ring-buffer. It's a message buffer of the kernel. The content of this file is referred to by the dmesg command. It shows bootlog and the hardware errors..
General Startup, Shutdown & Error Logs:
Location : /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.err and /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
Description : Logs for Tomcat and all tomcat based applications...
how to Change Backup time
My backup always start at 1 AM, can i change it?, yes u can :
1 . open your cron at with
# vi /var/spool/cron/root
2. Change this cron
0 1 * * * /scripts/cpbackup into 0 0 * * * /scripts/cpbackup , it mean will backup at 00.00
thats how it is
1 . open your cron at with
# vi /var/spool/cron/root
2. Change this cron
0 1 * * * /scripts/cpbackup into 0 0 * * * /scripts/cpbackup , it mean will backup at 00.00
thats how it is
How To Check Backup On cpanel
how to check my cpanel backup status , u can check by type this command
tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup/file.log
please try and give us comment
tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup/file.log
please try and give us comment
Forgot Joomla admin password
Open the database using phpMyAdmin or database explorer and select the table, jos_users . (replace jos_ with your own table prefix if this is different than the default).
Run the following SQL Code:
INSERT INTO `jos_users`(`id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, `usertype`, `block`, `sendEmail`,`registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`,`activation`,`params`)
VALUES ('40', 'Administrator2', 'admin2', ' your-email@yourdomain.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ','d2064d358136996bd22421584a7cb33e:trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199','Super Administrator', 0, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"","");
INSERT INTO `jos_user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`,`group_id`) VALUES (40, 8);
Logon to the back end using the username admin2 and the password secret in the login box.
that how it works
Run the following SQL Code:
INSERT INTO `jos_users`(`id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, `usertype`, `block`, `sendEmail`,`registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`,`activation`,`params`)
VALUES ('40', 'Administrator2', 'admin2', ' your-email@yourdomain.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ','d2064d358136996bd22421584a7cb33e:trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199','Super Administrator', 0, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"","");
INSERT INTO `jos_user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`,`group_id`) VALUES (40, 8);
Logon to the back end using the username admin2 and the password secret in the login box.
that how it works
Install Mail Server On your VPS - centos base
It's so simple
1. yum install -y exim
2. service exim start
3. chkconfig --level 235 exim on
1. yum install -y exim
2. service exim start
3. chkconfig --level 235 exim on
Reset Bandwith To Zero - CPanel
1. Login To your ssh server
2- cd /var/cpanel/bandwidth.cache/
3- vi
4- delete the numbers in that file and retype 0 instead of the number
5- save and quit and show bandwidth usage in WHM you will find its 0
wow that how it work
2- cd /var/cpanel/bandwidth.cache/
3- vi
4- delete the numbers in that file and retype 0 instead of the number
5- save and quit and show bandwidth usage in WHM you will find its 0
wow that how it work
Using Varnish
If your application works OK we can now switch the ports so Varnish will listen to port 80. Kill varnish.:
# pkill varnishd
and stop your web server. Edit the configuration for your web server and make it bind to port 8080 instead of 80. Now open the Varnish default.vcl and change the port of the default backend to 8080.
Start up your web server and then start varnish.:
# varnishd -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T
# pkill varnishd
and stop your web server. Edit the configuration for your web server and make it bind to port 8080 instead of 80. Now open the Varnish default.vcl and change the port of the default backend to 8080.
Start up your web server and then start varnish.:
# varnishd -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T
How to get file From FTP on my Shell
ftp command will attempt to connect to the ftp server at If it succeeds, it will ask you to log in using a username and password. Public ftp servers often allow you to log in using the username "anonymous" and your email address as password. Once you are logged in you can get a list of the available ftp commands using the help function:
ftp> helpThis lists the commands that you can use to show the directory contents, transfer files, and delete files.
ftp> lsThis command prints the names of the files and subdirectories in the current directory on the remote computer.
CPanel - Change All Folder Or File To 755 and 644 From shell
When i check my cpanel, my folder has change into 400 and file 600, how can i change all folder subfolder and all file on subfolder, u can try here baby :
1. Create file bash,
2. Paste this bash script
#Muhammad Hafidz Aghifary
#24-04-2011 - test test test
# Change Folder 755 and file 644 instant
# Status Weekend On Office
1. Create file bash,
2. Paste this bash script
#Muhammad Hafidz Aghifary
#24-04-2011 - test test test
# Change Folder 755 and file 644 instant
# Status Weekend On Office
Email Problem On CPanel - How to solve on shell
when i look at my email space is full at cpanel, but when i look at my webmail, there is nothing there, even at the trash, what happen here?????????, now u can try this :
VPS SSH error PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
How do you fix the issue with a SSH server which freezes after authenticating?
$ ssh
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 56:c2:ec:dd:64:ba:4d:3b:d0:fa:fd:f2:b2:7f:bf:b3.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
$ ssh
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 56:c2:ec:dd:64:ba:4d:3b:d0:fa:fd:f2:b2:7f:bf:b3.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Worpress Problem - my post has gone
when your client said, what my post has gone when i look yesterday there is no problem
1. first analyze their error log on cpanel -> file manager
2. if there is no problem ask client to give their wpadmin pass
3. check post and categories, if post zero( 0 ) , and categories have a number
1. first analyze their error log on cpanel -> file manager
2. if there is no problem ask client to give their wpadmin pass
3. check post and categories, if post zero( 0 ) , and categories have a number
How To Set Time Backup on Cpanel Root
i want to set my backup at 1 am, how i do that??
1. cd /var/spool/cron
2. root@server [/var/spool/cron]#vi root
3. and u will see cron for up cp ,
14 0 * * * /scripts/upcp
4. give more cron for you backup ,
0 1 * * * /scripts/cpbackup
explanation for the cron , you will run /script/cpbackup at 1 am
thats how it works wow.....
1. cd /var/spool/cron
2. root@server [/var/spool/cron]#vi root
3. and u will see cron for up cp ,
14 0 * * * /scripts/upcp
4. give more cron for you backup ,
0 1 * * * /scripts/cpbackup
explanation for the cron , you will run /script/cpbackup at 1 am
thats how it works wow.....
Exim Queue
Basic information
Print a count of the messages in the queue:
root@localhost# exim -bpc
Print a listing of the messages in the queue (time queued, size, message-id, sender, recipient):
root@localhost# exim -bp
Print a summary of messages in the queue (count, volume, oldest, newest, domain, and totals):
root@localhost# exim -bp | exiqsumm
Print what Exim is doing right now:
root@localhost# exiwhat
Print a count of the messages in the queue:
root@localhost# exim -bpc
Print a listing of the messages in the queue (time queued, size, message-id, sender, recipient):
root@localhost# exim -bp
Print a summary of messages in the queue (count, volume, oldest, newest, domain, and totals):
root@localhost# exim -bp | exiqsumm
Print what Exim is doing right now:
root@localhost# exiwhat
SSL Error Code
Code Type Description
-1001 General System Error
-2001 Required Field Missing The return text is of the format:
"Required Field Missing: -Please supply required field and resubmit request"
-2002 Invalid PartnerCode
-1001 General System Error
-2001 Required Field Missing The return text is of the format:
"Required Field Missing:
-2002 Invalid PartnerCode
How To Reset Google Apps Password
You will be able to reset your Admin password only if you have enabled the admin password reset feature in your control panel. If you have enabled this feature, you can reset your admin password by following these steps:
1. Navigate to your control panel login page at Be sure to replace '' with your actual domain name.
2. Click I can't access my account.
1. Navigate to your control panel login page at Be sure to replace '' with your actual domain name.
2. Click I can't access my account.
What is SSL ?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.
To be able to create an SSL connection a web server requires an SSL Certificate. When you choose to activate SSL on your web server you will be prompted to complete a number of questions about the identity of your website and your company. Your web server then creates two cryptographic keys - a Private Key and a Public Key.
The Public Key does not need to be secret and is placed into a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) - a data file also containing your details. You should then submit the CSR. During the SSL Certificate application process, the Certification Authority will validate your details and issue an SSL Certificate containing your details and allowing you to use SSL. Your web server will match your issued SSL Certificate to your Private Key. Your web server will then be able to establish an encrypted link between the website and your customer's web browser.
The complexities of the SSL protocol remain invisible to your customers. Instead their browsers provide them with a key indicator to let them know they are currently protected by an SSL encrypted session - the lock icon in the lower right-hand corner, clicking on the lock icon displays your SSL Certificate and the details about it. All SSL Certificates are issued to either companies or legally accountable individuals.
Typically an SSL Certificate will contain your domain name, your company name, your address, your city, your state and your country. It will also contain the expiration date of the Certificate and details of the Certification Authority responsible for the issuance of the Certificate. When a browser connects to a secure site it will retrieve the site's SSL Certificate and check that it has not expired, it has been issued by a Certification Authority the browser trusts, and that it is being used by the website for which it has been issued. If it fails on any one of these checks the browser will display a warning to the end user letting them know that the site is not secured by SSL.
To be able to create an SSL connection a web server requires an SSL Certificate. When you choose to activate SSL on your web server you will be prompted to complete a number of questions about the identity of your website and your company. Your web server then creates two cryptographic keys - a Private Key and a Public Key.
The Public Key does not need to be secret and is placed into a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) - a data file also containing your details. You should then submit the CSR. During the SSL Certificate application process, the Certification Authority will validate your details and issue an SSL Certificate containing your details and allowing you to use SSL. Your web server will match your issued SSL Certificate to your Private Key. Your web server will then be able to establish an encrypted link between the website and your customer's web browser.
The complexities of the SSL protocol remain invisible to your customers. Instead their browsers provide them with a key indicator to let them know they are currently protected by an SSL encrypted session - the lock icon in the lower right-hand corner, clicking on the lock icon displays your SSL Certificate and the details about it. All SSL Certificates are issued to either companies or legally accountable individuals.
Typically an SSL Certificate will contain your domain name, your company name, your address, your city, your state and your country. It will also contain the expiration date of the Certificate and details of the Certification Authority responsible for the issuance of the Certificate. When a browser connects to a secure site it will retrieve the site's SSL Certificate and check that it has not expired, it has been issued by a Certification Authority the browser trusts, and that it is being used by the website for which it has been issued. If it fails on any one of these checks the browser will display a warning to the end user letting them know that the site is not secured by SSL.
install CSR (Certificate Signing Request) on Apache
Follow these instructions to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) if the server you are using Apache, which are required in order SSL certificate.
OpenSSL is an open source project that replaced SSLeay. If your system is using SSLeay, replace the SSLeay with OpenSSL on the command line in this guide.
1.Install OpenSSL on your server (if not already installed)
2.Create an RSA key on your Apache:
OpenSSL is an open source project that replaced SSLeay. If your system is using SSLeay, replace the SSLeay with OpenSSL on the command line in this guide.
1.Install OpenSSL on your server (if not already installed)
2.Create an RSA key on your Apache:
What My VPS cannot login to ssh
when i want to login to my vps i got this message :
error bash: fork: cannot allocate memory.
why ??
base on true story the solution is :D
1. your memory is run out please upgrade your vps to a higher memory
2. kill some activity that consume much of memory
3. check your cms plugin maybe that the problem
error bash: fork: cannot allocate memory.
why ??
base on true story the solution is :D
1. your memory is run out please upgrade your vps to a higher memory
2. kill some activity that consume much of memory
3. check your cms plugin maybe that the problem
how to see my plesk statistik space
when i use cpanel i can see my detail space at disk usage, where is it at plesk?
1. Login plesk
2. click down arrow log&statistic
3. click summary report
1. Login plesk
2. click down arrow log&statistic
3. click summary report
How To Set DNS At Plesk
Where is i can change my dns like cpanel at plesk :
1. Login to your plesk
2. Choose service
3. Click DNS
4. Click Zone Setting
Cpanel Upload my web
i want to upload my web how can i do that
1. login to your cpanel
2. choose file manger
3. upload your file at public_html
1. login to your cpanel
2. choose file manger
3. upload your file at public_html
How To Upgrade Worpress Manually Cpanel
1. Backup your database
2. Backup your wp-config , wp-content and htacess
3. Delete All file on file manager and database
4. Create Database Mysql
5. Download Wordpress
6. Upload wordpress zip to public_html
7. Select wordpress zip right klik extract
8. Move file Wordpress from folder wordpress
9. install and follow wizard
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2. Backup your wp-config , wp-content and htacess
3. Delete All file on file manager and database
4. Create Database Mysql
5. Download Wordpress
6. Upload wordpress zip to public_html
7. Select wordpress zip right klik extract
8. Move file Wordpress from folder wordpress
9. install and follow wizard
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How To Fix Email Error POP3 - Cannot receive email from outlook
* Unable to logon to the server using Distributed Password Authentication.
Account:'Company POP3 Server Accnt.',
Server: '',
Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR The AUTH protocol exchange was canceled by the client.',Port: 110, Secure(SSL): NO, Server Error: 0x800ccc90, Error Number: 0x800ccc18Error 0x800CCCC90
Look At Error Number :
The error 0x800CCCC90 occurs due to the following:
- incorrect email settings
- incorrect settings on anti-virus software and firewall
To fix the problem,
*please try to disable your antivirus and firewall e-mail protection utility.
*In Outlook Express, try using Clear Text, which is the Log on using option under the Servers tab of the mail account.
To do so:
1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts. This will bring up several tabs.
2. If you select any listed mail account, the properties will have a Servers tab with the Log on using option.
3. Select the Clear Text option.
If this works, then you were trying to access a non-existent mailbox or the wrong mailbox. If this does not work, then the administrator needs to check for and remove the custom recipient
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Account:'Company POP3 Server Accnt.',
Server: '',
Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR The AUTH protocol exchange was canceled by the client.',Port: 110, Secure(SSL): NO, Server Error: 0x800ccc90, Error Number: 0x800ccc18Error 0x800CCCC90
Look At Error Number :
The error 0x800CCCC90 occurs due to the following:
- incorrect email settings
- incorrect settings on anti-virus software and firewall
To fix the problem,
*please try to disable your antivirus and firewall e-mail protection utility.
*In Outlook Express, try using Clear Text, which is the Log on using option under the Servers tab of the mail account.
To do so:
1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts. This will bring up several tabs.
2. If you select any listed mail account, the properties will have a Servers tab with the Log on using option.
3. Select the Clear Text option.
If this works, then you were trying to access a non-existent mailbox or the wrong mailbox. If this does not work, then the administrator needs to check for and remove the custom recipient
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How To Install Kloxo
when i install kloxo always get error on centos, please try this.
1. repolist enable
2. yum update
3. setenforce 0
f you don't have MySQL server already installed, you must run:
If you already have MySQL installed and set a root password, you must run:
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# su - root
# wget
# sh ./
If you already have MySQL installed and set a root password, you must run:
# su - root
# wget
# sh ./ --db-rootpassword=PASSWORD
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How To Fix Kloxo Error 500
Wow i get that error at my client vps how to fix it
1. #/script/upcp
if you get another error, please fix it with this
2. #/script/fixwebmail
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How To Export My Database Cpanel
1. Login Cpanel
2. Select Phpmyadmin
3. Select Database
4. Select Export
5. Klik Go
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2. Select Phpmyadmin
3. Select Database
4. Select Export
5. Klik Go
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How To Use Create Database and User Database
1. login cpanel
2. select Mysql Database
3. create database
4. create user and password
5. on Add User to database , Add your database and user
6. klik add
Setting Your Domain To Google Apps From Cpanel
1. Login CPanel
2. Select MX entry
3. erase All MX and set your MX to:
4. check your domain at here
How To Change Email Password
1. Login CPanel
2. From the cPanel home, you need to click on the Email Accounts icon
3. From the mail menu, select Change Password next to the mail account whose password you wish to modify.
4. On the next page, fill in the new password and click on [Change] to save it
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2. From the cPanel home, you need to click on the Email Accounts icon
3. From the mail menu, select Change Password next to the mail account whose password you wish to modify.
4. On the next page, fill in the new password and click on [Change] to save it
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How to Create Email Forwader
1. Login Cpanel
2. Select Forwader
3. Put the name of the email address you wish to forward from in the first blank field. For example:, put user in the first blank field.You can choose to what address the incoming mail should be forwarded. The other two options are to choose a failure message which will be returned to the sender or to pipe the message to a program.
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2. Select Forwader
3. Put the name of the email address you wish to forward from in the first blank field. For example:, put user in the first blank field.You can choose to what address the incoming mail should be forwarded. The other two options are to choose a failure message which will be returned to the sender or to pipe the message to a program.
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How to Create Account email CPanel
1. Login Cpanel
2. Select Email Account
3. Input Email Account
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2. Select Email Account
3. Input Email Account
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How To Add On domain from cpanel
1. Login Cpanel
2. Select Add on domain
3. Go to your panel domain and pointing your nameserver example if your hosting at Ardhosting
4. create addon domain
5. wait for resolve 24-48 hours
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2. Select Add on domain
3. Go to your panel domain and pointing your nameserver example if your hosting at Ardhosting
4. create addon domain
5. wait for resolve 24-48 hours
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Setting Your Domain To Google Apps
1. Login To panel domain
2. Choose all order , select your domain, choose manage dns
3. Set host CNAME
4. Set your MX to :
2. Choose all order , select your domain, choose manage dns
3. Set host CNAME
4. Set your MX to :
5. Set your name server to :
Bandwith Is
A range within a band of frequencies or wavelengths.
The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second(bps) or bytes per second. For analog devices, the bandwidth is expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
The bandwidth is particularly important for I/O devices. For example, a fast disk drive can be hampered by a bus with a low bandwidth. This is the main reason that new buses, such as AGP, have been developed for the PC.
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The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second(bps) or bytes per second. For analog devices, the bandwidth is expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
The bandwidth is particularly important for I/O devices. For example, a fast disk drive can be hampered by a bus with a low bandwidth. This is the main reason that new buses, such as AGP, have been developed for the PC.
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Blog Archive
- Install Mail Server On your VPS - centos base
- Reset Bandwith To Zero - CPanel
- Using Varnish
- How to get file From FTP on my Shell
- CPanel - Change All Folder Or File To 755 and 644 ...
- Email Problem On CPanel - How to solve on shell
- VPS SSH error PTY allocation request failed on cha...
- Worpress Problem - my post has gone
- How To Set Time Backup on Cpanel Root
- Exim Queue
- SSL Error Code
- How To Reset Google Apps Password
- How To Upgrade Worpress Manually Cpanel
- How To Fix Email Error POP3 - Cannot receive email...
- How To Install Kloxo
- How To Fix Kloxo Error 500
- How To Export My Database Cpanel
- How To Use Create Database and User Database
- Setting Your Domain To Google Apps From Cpanel
- How To Change Email Password
- How to Create Email Forwader
- How to Create Account email CPanel
- How To Add On domain from cpanel
- Setting Your Domain To Google Apps
- Bandwith Is
- How To Add Sub Domain On CPanel