Recently with a cPanel server, we had this issue of not being able to create postgresql database even after the postgresql package is installed and database server is running. Fixing of one issue lead to another there by needing to fix all the errors.
Cpanel::AdminBin::adminrun(postgres) set error in context postgres
[2010-01-16 12:24:18 -0500] warn [postgres::listdbs] Encountered error in postgres::listdbs: Error from postgres wrapper: PostgreSQL has not been configured by the administrator. Unable to locate pgpass file.
This was fixed by doing these,
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => Click on “Install Config”.
Login to WHM => SQL Services => Postgres Config => “Set a Postgresql password also”
No error in cPanel after doing above. However that followed by an issue of created DBs not being appeared in the List DB page of Postgresql databases. Went to shell. Logged in as root . Switched to postgres. “su – postgres” . Ran the command “psql” and then
-bash-3.2$ psql
Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
postgres=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
postgres | postgres | UTF8
template0 | postgres | UTF8
template1 | postgres | UTF8
(3 rows)
postgres=# \q
No DB was created. Checked the logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log and it had entries likeERROR: role “username” does not exist which meant, no roles to create the database.
cd /var/cpanel/users && for x in *; do su -c "createuser -S -D -R $x" postgres; done
Your Hosting Tutorial & shell scripting admin
Linux Disk utilities
fdisk /dev/hda
(= "fixed disk". As root.) Linux hard drive partitioning utility (DOS has a utility with the same name). In the example above, I specified that I would like to partition the first harddrive on the first IDE interface, hence "hda". If I were you, i would backup any important data before using fdisk on any partition. I do not not know anybody who likes fdisk (either Linux or DOS edition)--I prefer easier to use cfdisk, see next command.
cfdisk /dev/hda
(as root) Hard drive partitioning utility, menu-based. Easier to use then the plain-vanilla fdisk (see the previous command). Physical drives can contain primary partitions (max 4 per disk), and logical partitions (no restriction on number). A primary partition can be bootable. Logical partitions must be contained within "extended partitions"; extended partitions are not usable by themselves, they are just a container for logical partitions. When partitioning a disk, I typically: (1) create a primary partition (2) make the primary partition bootable (3) create an extended partition, (4) create logical partition(s) within the extended partition.